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Small scabs on cat's head

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smurfchops | 08:34 Tue 13th Sep 2005 | Animals & Nature
14 Answers
I have felt a few rough scabs (or that is what they feel like although I can't see anything) on my cat's head when I stroke him, I thought he must have been fighting but now I think maybe he has some kind of infection.  The patches are around the ears, on top of the head, under the chin, etc. No blood though, like you would see with fighting.


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Could be flea bites.
or ticks
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I put Frontline on him every few weeks, would the fleas still bite before they die, the little monsters? He doesn't seem to be scratching them, or scratching anywhere more than usual.
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If it is ticks or fleas, so I have to take him to the vet (he hates it) or can I buy something over the counter?

I sympathise, my dog HATES the vet! Can you get a look at what the problem actually is? Maybe go so far as to trim off some fur to see what is there? I think its likely that that is what the vet would want to do, so you could get that far then if you can see anything, you will have a better basis in which to make your decision.

I am assuming that your cat is lively andin generally good health and you haven't noticed anything else wrong?

One of my cats has the same, the other doesn't.  I think, like you, that I would put this down to scrapping/getting in to tight corners etc as the younger of my two is always out and about.

They both had a bad flea infestation but this is sorted now and the older, stay-at-home cat doesn't have the scabs that the younger adventurous and bullying one has.  If it was an infection, I would assume that they would both have it.  If in doubt, get it checked out.    

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I have tried to part the fur on his head, and have found a couple of scratches, so I expect after all, it is either down to fighting or getting caught in a bush, or something like that. He is well, eating (never stops) and as I say, not scratching his head so I don't think it is fleas.  I will see how he goes.  Thanks everyone!
you are welcome....I am sure that it won't be long before he thinks up another way to worry you!!
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He is a real Big Ginger Tom, he's been to the vet three times for antibiotics when he's been bitten in the past ..  He has an evil streak .. but mummy loves him.
My cat has an allergy which brings out small scabs.  They don't itch or fester and the vet said they were an allergy.  So, by process of food elimination, she now eats James Wellbeloved hypo-allergenic biscuits and she's fine. (also Felix, I'd rather she ate normally 'cos J.W. is v expensive.)
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Ollie loves Felix and has always eaten it, so I don't think it is a reaction to his food. But he loves fighting .. including scratching me .. Thanks for all your help !
Hi, I do not know if you have successfully treated your cat, but my cat had exactly the same. When I took her to the vet, he diagnosed an allergy to some kind of plant outside that cats brush up against and they commonly get scabs on their ears, top of the head, under the chin and belly. He put her on a course of antibiotics and the scabs cleared up. They are back this year though, so I will have to take her back to the vet!
Hope this helps.
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Thanks for your reply, Ollie is going for his booster next week (if I can get him in his carry basket) ... so the vet can check him out, though all the scabs have gone now. Thanks again !
no problem, I had my cat in recently to the vets for her infected face and asked about her scabs. He advised that she needs anti inflametary tablets but to wait until her face has cleared up (which it has now) so I guess that yours would need the same. Hope you have luck getting him in the basket, both mine run when they see it but seem awfully keen to get back in it once they are on the vets table!!
Cheers Sue

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