ChatterBank1 min ago
Cat Flea Treatment
15 Answers
MY CAT goes berserk after having flea treatment, ie going round in circles.
Does anybody have any recommendations other than FRONTLINE Or chemical products to get rid of the fleas?
Does anybody have any recommendations other than FRONTLINE Or chemical products to get rid of the fleas?
https:// www. google. co. uk/ webhp? sourceid= chrome- instant& amp; ion= 1& espv= 2& amp; ie= UTF- 8# q= how% 20to% 20treat% 20cat% 20fleas% 20naturally look here
09:06 Fri 29th Apr 2016
It does that because it excites all the fleas when it's first applied which irritate your cat but proves it works, it also proves your cat has fleas. I believe only chemical products from the vet (Advantage, Stronghold etc) work efficiently and I wouldn't include Frontline in that list which fleas have developed immunity to.
Your cat has probably read the reports that FL doesn't work anymore.
https:/ /www.go .uk/sea rch?cli ent=saf ari& ;rls=en &q= front+l ine+doe sn't+wo rk& ie=UTF- 8&o e=UTF-8 &gf e_rd=cr &ei =-yIjV- v7JsLS8 AeC673w DQ
Seriously, go to your vet and get a decent treatment such as those Prudie advises or Advocate which kills worms as well.
Seriously, go to your vet and get a decent treatment such as those Prudie advises or Advocate which kills worms as well.
Oh and if your cat has fleas cruciverbals your home will be infected so you need to treat with R.I.P. or the fleas will just hop back onto your cat from the carpets and cushions etc.
https:/ / .uk/R-I -P-Flea s-House hold-Fl ea-Spra y/dp/B0 01A36CS K
As you've given BA to mm's suggestion I take it that is the route you intend to follow. Totally inefficient. IMO you are making hard work for yourself and in all probability you will fail. A decent treatment on prescription will get rid of all sorts of worms as well as the fleas. And the treatment lasts for 2-3 months. A home-made remedy will last until the next flea jumps on your animal and don't forget your cat will have many more eggs and other stages of flea development than it will have actual live fleas. Finally, be careful what you put on your cat, what is OK for adult skin may not be OK for a cat's skin.
I rest my case David.
http:// -inform ed-vete rinary- advice- online. com/fle a-contr ol.html #flea-c ollar
I rest my case David.
I fully endorse what ladybirder has said, if you don't want fleas then use a prescription treatment. I can guarantee that neither of my cats has a single flea because I go to the vet regularly - I use Advocate (don't know why I didn't mention it, get the As mixed up!). I know it costs more but anything off the shelf is a complete waste of money.
I use Advantage which used to be prescription only,but is available online. Also spray bedding with either R.I.P. or Indorex sprays...both long lasting,effective products. User Recommendation User Recommendation