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Baldric | 20:46 Tue 03rd Jan 2017 | Pets
44 Answers

some of you will know that we took on Bruno
as a rescue just over 4 weeks ago.
He really hasn't put a paw wrong in that time, apart from one thing, over the last two weeks once it starts to get light, he is so keen to see us if he hears the slightest movement he's bouncing up and down behind the dog-gate and barking a 'welcome'
We know not to respond to this as he will think it works as a wake up call, and do it again, and again.
It's a problem we've not had to deal with before, any ideas, thanks.
Rodger, the other Staffie rescue just lays in his bed and looks bored with the whole thing.


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Jolly good. Just persevere.
He's a handsome chap Baldric. How about a cuddly toy and a ticking clock in his bed. Not so bad this time of year but come the summer that's you guys up at 4am!
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He's got a cuddly toy Mazie, it's called Roger (see my Avatar) who takes no notice at all, and 24 hour News is on in kitchen where their beds are.
I'm anticipating something similar as I have a 'rescue' coming shortly.
I'll have to get my fill of 'slight movements' before he arrives...
Aww, well then he's like one of our cats, she just loves the other half and wants to be with him...pain in the harris. I just ignore it but he can't. Hope you get it sorted. He's so worth it though xx
He'll calm down, give him a few weeks, he's just so happy to be in a loving home!
Baldric, my dog starts to bounce around (not barking thank goodness) as soon as I start to move in the morning. He sleeps in the bedroom either in his bed or underneath mine. If I'm not ready to get up I ignore him and if he doesn't settle down again I just say quite loudly, slowly and firmly No! No! And it works. You could give it a try.
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I preempted him this morning, was up before he was (0600 not so bad) he just bounced about behind gate but didn't bark.
Mrs B is just back from taking them both to Country Park, first time she's taken both out by herself, she thinks he must be related to the Duracell Bunny.
Balders, all you can do really is to wait until he realises you don't respond to his barking.How old is Bruno,is he receptive to training? All the dogs I have had were taught to bark on command and stop when ordered.
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Hi Danny, he's about 3 years old (?) we've had him just over 4 weeks. He'd not had a good time for a while before then, we've fed him up, got him back into good condition again. He's starting to take notice of what we say to him, looks like he's been a good 'un but it's slipped a bit, we'll just keep at it, we've got the patience.
Don't let him in the bedroom, you won't get him out again. You have to grin and bear it, he is a bit lost as it is all new to him, what you do in the beginning is how it will be forever, maybe a toy that you put treats in to keep him occupied.
Maybe the barking harks back to when he wasn't having a good time and he gets a bit anxious when you are away from him.If so it should settle down as his confidence in you grows.
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Errrrrr, he's got a toy with treats in + another Staffie rescue (Roger, who doesn't get involved) for company.
Danny, that's pretty much how we see it, working on it but not too hard atm.
I think it's patience and emphatic use of your 'No' command whatever that is and the 'Good Boy' one when he's done well - we had a dog trainer once and he advised keeping the commands simple.
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DT< No and Good Boy are exactly what we use, KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)
It's worked with the Dobies we've kept for a good few years, it's working with Roger, it's just going to take a week/month(?) or two with Bruno.
I'm assuming Roger is older and wiser? get the two interacting and Roger will show Bruno what to do. Easier said than done, I would suggest some games in the garden with treats and toys, make it fun for them and it will wear them out.
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Roger came to us as a stray so no accurate info at all, Vet thinks he's probably about 4-4½ now. They get loads of play and exercise wih there being 3 adults in the house.
Are you the third adult? (sorry not funny I know) Do you know Bruno's history?
Listen when I got mine from a puppy, I read all the books and I failed miserably, he bit me, he ran me ragged, he took the mick out of me. I let him in the bedroom because he was poorly, can't get him out. He follows me constantly, people think cute, he barks and scratches the doors when I go out.
If I could go back, I would leave him on his own so that he gets use to it, as tough as it might sound and I love my dog, you have to be cruel to be kind.
yep, we were told that they can understand about 25 words and consistency is crucial, otherwise, they hear the music/tone of words and that's it.
DTC I disagree my dog has a bigger vocab than me

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