With a rescue, you'll need to be aware of a few things. If he's happy to socialise with other dogs, it will make your life easier, as even if you don't have friends / family with dogs, when you're out walking you'll encounter a lot!
You'll also need to be patient with toilet training as a change of circumstance could mean you dog has a few accidents, but don't worry, training and patience will sort this!
Get plenty of 'food puzzle' type toys, my dog LOVES these and it can keep them entertained for hours (great for when your favourite program is about to start on the telly!).
Clicker training is highly recommended and dogs pick it up super easily, dont be afraid to attend dog training classes, as you CAN teach an old dog new tricks, and a dog trainer will help you know your dog a little more and help with his/her temperament. It's also great for socialising your new dog. :-)
And just enjoy them :-)