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Skirting Boards

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Catfreak | 14:14 Mon 10th Jun 2024 | Home & Garden
4 Answers

Hiya.  We have to replace a length of skirting board but are having a real problem getting like for like.  When we show an off cut or send a  we are told its Ovolo - but its not the same.  We have just received a length of MDF having been told it is Ovolo and sending attaching a pic of our piece - but its wrong.  I thought I could attach a photo of the off cut to see if anyone knows whats it called.  The house is late 1920s so it may be its discontinued.  Would you suggest we go to a joiner/carpenter and get them to make a piece?  TIA. 



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I was going to ask if you were holding it the wrong way around.  But it seems it can come in different profiles.


In any event a timberyard may have the right router cutter. Why not take a bit of the original skirting along to local ones and see what they say ?

We had a similar problem a few years ago and couldn't get any that matched ours. Unfortunately, we ended up having to replace all the skirting board in the room as the part that needed replacing was in a place where any different board would be obvious.

It's a pain Cat. Always has been.  The 3 main types of moulded skirting are still being made....  Torus; Ovolo; and Ogee (Old Geezer will like that one 😃)

The trouble is.. they're all different. The basic egg-shaped one (ovolo) will vary depending on the dimensions of the router used.

OG's right. Take a sample to someone. Builders Merchants or a joinery timber supplier. Best bet is a joiner. Not to be confused with a carpenter. A joiners' workshop will have a range of routers. You may be lucky and find a match, or at least something that's close enough.

I say this because Builders' Merchants generally don't mould their own any more. It's all bought in ready-made.

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