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Star Signs

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renegadefm | 02:08 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | Society & Culture
17 Answers

I've often wondered why according to star sign experts, that why are some people simply not compatible in relationships based on their star sign. 

I have an old Chinese calendar, and it says there that if an Aries and a Pisces get together its the worst thing that can happen, but no where explains why exactly. 

I can support the theory though because I am an Aries, and used to date a Pisces woman, and we just clashed for some reason. 

Any ideas? 



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I've never wondered about star signs, my destiny and charachter are not affected by planetary alignment at the moment of my birth.

I know a pair of twins who were very different as children and have very different lives as adults.  One seems to have sailed through life and is a successful and popular headteacher at a very good fee paying school. The other struggles with everything.

You need wonder no more. I'll let you in on a little secret. Astrology may be fun for some, but in reality it's all nonsense. 🤫

OG “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,      Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” 

But star positions dictating your life experiences ain't one of 'em.

OG; Throughout the natural world there are patterns and seasons and nothing can escape from that.

It seems to me that people born at certain times of the year could possibly have certain characteristics, (at its simplest, whether a person is born at midsummer or midwinter, say) This may have nothing to do with the 'stars', but those names could be a convenient way of identifying those periods of the year in relationship to human characteristics.

Some people believe any old nonsense.  Astrology is a perfect example. 

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Yeah but is it all nonsense. 

We could equally just say everything that drives us is nonsense.

I was more curious why the Chinese calendar I had made reference to Aries and Pieces should never mix in terms of dating or relationships. 

But it kind of explains why no matter how I tried in an Pisces relationship, we just didn't see eye to eye on key things to make a relationship work. 

Why was a Chinese  calendar using western star signs?

There are things that tie in with astrology (not the newspaper sort).  For example, Michel Gauquelin, who did an in-depth study of the birthdates of soldiers in the French army.  The vast majority had Aries (fire/warrior sign) as either their immediate birth sign (majority) or in their 'rising' sign.    The French record the time of birth as well as the date, so the rising sign can be calculated.

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Well the Chinese word it differently, they pick a month, and say the year of the rat. Stuff that I don't understand to be honest. 

But the Chinese calendar I have has a chart of all their versions of star signs, and the equivalent of an Aries and Pieces should never mix according to Chinese belief. But this just created my own curiosity, especially after my own failed attempt at making a relationship work, it did kind of back up my theory the Chinese are right. 

My late partner was a Taurus And I am Aries

A real no no according to the experts,but we made 49 years

In the Chinese Zodiac I am a pig and my partner was dog

I don't know enough if these are compatible

Can someone tell me?

Yes, it really is all nonsense. Humans are good at imagining patterns in the midst of chaos, and convincing themselves they're real in the face of any evidence to the contrary.


Thanks to their mutually sunny demeanours and good intentions, the Dog and the Pig will make a great match. The Dog can get into a grumpy mood and needs some alone time to recover, but the Pig is a friendly sign that usually tries to let people live their lives as they want, so the Dog's moods shouldn't be a concern.

Aries is a fire sign - igniting, leading and creating a big impact like a fire. 🔥 Not always so sensitive to those around them though and sometimes aggressive in their determination to succeed.

Pisces is a water sign - creative, compassionate, and understanding. 💦 Often sensitive and emotional which is not easy for fire sign;  water puts out the fire.

Fire fights all the more and water becomes negative.

Does that feel familiar?


A big thank you for a great answer

Very interesting 


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Yes that makes perfect sense. 

But as an Aries myself I've never had the leader quality in me. 

I much rather be led, than to lead. 


But on certain issues I do have a strong desire to succeed. So thats all correct. 

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