Good Morning Sunday Birds. in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Good Morning Sunday Birds.

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Smowball | 07:56 Sun 22nd Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

Good morning, hope everyone is ok? Dry and cold here at the moment, rather that than rain tho! Will we get to see any snow here this year? I know a lot of you have had some already but I've not seen even a flake lol. Mind you, it often seems to snow late January, early feb - we've frequently had a scattering of snow on MrSmows birthday(7th feb). Snow on Smow lol.

Going to wrap the in-laws presents today I think, and try to have as relaxed a day as possible. See what cheerful Christmassy nonsense is on TV lol.

What about you lot??x

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G'day Smow, hot, dry and dusty downunder. 

Hope you and yours have an enjoyable Christmas, take care and enjoy

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Good morning Oz, I can't imagine it being hot on Xmas Day lol. Definitely would be different! Hope that youve got your holiday plans all sorted, and have a great day yourself too! 


Cold and a bit of rain, better than last night's howling wind and pouring rain.

I'll be wrapping presents and listening to the football, so not relaxed!


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Morning dr - yes I remember we had that wind lastnight too. Tho is eeems to have died down now. Do you have much to wrap?

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* it seems

Good morning everyone. It's a  beautiful, sunny morning here in Bedford but it's freezing in the wind chill.

I was up and about early this morning  as we have a foster puppy at the moment who needed to go outside.

Visitors arriving today for the next week so I'm having a bit of quiet me time before the chaos begins.


No, just a few family and friends.


Morning all. Bright but chilly here. Pooch has been out for a walk already and is filthy from the mucky lanes, not that he minds.

What sort of pup have you got Tilly and how long will he stay with you.  I do admire the admiral job you do.

There is a new Death in Paradise this evening so will give that a try. I couldn't get on with the Australian version. Sometimes  the series runs out of steam and they keep it going too long so we will see with the new Caribbean detective tonight

Have a happy day everyone

Good morning all, bright and sunny although chilly here in the Midlands. Hopefully nothing to do today, will go out Tuesday morning to get fresh milk and bread, and visit the library and that's it. Hand delivered local cards to neighbours this morning,but I don't seem to have as many cards as I usually get through the post. A lot of my friends are sending emails instead, or phoning up to have a natter in person. I suppose the cost of postage is to blame for that.

Enjoy the day, whatever you are doing.

Just a day catching up round the house, been raining all morning, but sun coming out now.  At least I will get washing out.  Got all Christmas dinner yesterday and short dated items in the freezer, will pick up fresh veg tomorrow and that will be it. 

Like Calda receiving less cards in the post but getting E-cards instead. 

Morning Smo, and everyone

Bright and sunny here in Brum,  unfortunately I have reacted badly to a new face serum and  have a face that looks pretty much like a blotchy red  balloon.  Eyes swollen half shut.  Taking antihistamines and hoping it goes down before I need to leave the flat.   

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Ooh a new Death in Paradise?? Whose the main actor??

Don Gilet - a black actor.  Surely the premise of the show is that it's a white English (or Irish) detective 'stuck' on an island where he doesn't look like everyone else, finds it far too hot and doesn't understand the culture?  Strange choice.

Good morning...just! When daughter and her partner return from gym, it's off to Waitrose. That should be fun 😁 

I got all my wrapping done yesterday...and my back didn't complain...yay!

We didn't go to The Big Easy last night...that's tonight. Instead, it was a very posh Italian that has a menu that represents all the different regional cusines of Italy... very good but overpriced for some things.

Agree brainiac, we will have to see what a fist he makes of it. My least favourite was Ardal O'Hanlan, mostly cause I thought his acting was a bit wooden/

Rosette, all the pups are labrador retrievers and for pups they are big! The one we have at the moment is here for the weekend as his 'parents' have gone away for the weekend. 

How lovely Tilly, lots of work though. It must be difficult not to get attached if you have them for a lengthier period of time

We have five that we have on a regular basis. I love them all!

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