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Pedigree dog breeding

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Fireman Sam | 12:04 Fri 10th Feb 2006 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
I understand that when a pedigree bitch mates with a dog of another breed or a mongrel, she is ruined for pedigree breeding. Does this mean that the first mating causes some permanent biological/physiological change in the bitch?


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this is NOT TRUE!

Its the same more or less as one woman having children by different fathers, one pregnancy will have no effect on the others!

No I just think they mean she is a bit of a tart and not pure anymore.

I agree with woofgang.

One thing about breeding her to a mongrel is now you have a dog that is tired and needs to rest, take a break in between breeding, (bigger pups due to the father, complications from delivery,nursing etc...and all wear them out) instead of breeding her again over a short period of time to a purebred dog of your choice of stud, you'll now have to wait longer.

Sometimes I really wonder.......

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Pedigree dog breeding

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