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H.Wilkinson | 15:25 Sat 22nd Feb 2003 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
I read a book about cats communicating with each other. i have three cats and am convinced that they seem very telepathic, amongst themselves and towards me. Does anyone else think their cat(s) communicates in this way. They freak me out at times!


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I had a cat that, one day, started sitting on the fence at the bottom of the garden staring at the house opposite (that happened to have two kittens). He had never done this before so it was very noticeable that he was doing it for long periods every day over nearly two weeks. Then, to my surprise, a removal van turned up and the owners of the house he had been staring at moved out. After that, my cat never again sat on that particular bit of fence staring at that house! I hadn't known in adance that the people were moving out but it appeared that my cat did!
I used two have two cats & if there was a bird in the small tree in our garden, one used to go and sit in front of the tree staring up at it (seemingly to distract its attention) while the other sneaked up behind it and took care of lunch. I saw this a few times so it surely wasn't coincidental.
Apparently our late cat would wake and start prowling the house like a lost soul 10 mins before I arrived home from work every night . I didn't make a call home to tell them I was on my way, and the time I leave work varies every day, anytime between 6pm and midnight, so there was no way the cat could 'learn' what time I'd be in. But without fail 10 mins after the cat's strange behaviour, I'd be pulling up outside the house.... *cue X -files theme*
And another one: our cat used to sit on my wife's lap as often as she would let him, then he suddenly stopped wanting to sit on her lap. A few weeks later we discovered that my wife was pregnant. It seemd that the cat perhaps knew before we did that she was pregnant.
Due to my experience caring with cats, I found they communicate better by sniffing eachothers ars*s than telepathically. If you ask me your thoery freaks me out more than your cats ability to tell whats wrong with it's partner by the smell of its pi*s.
Honkytonkman - our dog used to do the same thing. About fifteen minutes before my dad got home she would go and sit by the front door. Used to freak my mother out!


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