You can't take the mess to the paper and show it to her and praise her, she won't understand what your talking about. You need to catch the dog in the act to let them know what you want, when pooing interrupt with a startle.."uhuh" ( no yelling) and take them to the pad. and keep there until they finish, give a treat and calmly praise. There is allot more to it, but not enough space on here to explain, go to orangedog
go to "behavior" and read "potty training"article, just sub Potty pad for outside and the tips on there can really help. Supervision is the key to training your dog to potty, and always remember if they potty in your house it's your fault..period. Clean up accidents with an enzymatic cleaner to remove the smell completely. Good Luck, there is help on Orangedog, please check it out. ~/:\~