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How can i get my 2 cats to go to sleep!!

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paulakea | 11:24 Wed 18th Oct 2006 | Pets
6 Answers
I have an 18month and a 6 month old cat! they get locked downstairs on a night as the older one used to miaow and scratch at the bedroom door if we locked her out. If you let her in she used to attack you at some unearthly hour!
Id love them to have the roam of the house while we are asleep but how can we make them not wake us up?
I love them so much !!!!!!


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You can't!! See annavc's post, the first one on here! Cats do what they want and you just have to go along with it. You could try getting them a little cat bed each, or one to share if they play together, and put cat nip in it so they like to lie there. There is no guarantees they would go in it though or sleep at night. They probably prefer trying to wake you up - it's more fun!
I think you're on a losing battle there as catlavender says.

If I were you I'd just let them roam and get used to being attacked!
I used to sleep with a water pistol under the pillow, but by the time you find it and take aim the little monster has run off.

Most of my other plans were probably illegal, the electric fence was just going to cost too much and I would get zapped when I went to the loo.

I've tried the water pistol with one of mine. She goes through phases of pawing at the bedroom door even though it's open. She doesn't scratch it but it makes an awful noise and would keep me awake. Like Wolf63 says though they're quicker than us. As soon as I moved she flew cos she knew I wasn't happy. Fortunately she only does it once in a blue moon now. Don't know why she stopped, must of just got bored of it!
I have 12 cats in the rescue home that I have at the moment, and they all come & go all night wherever they like. Any that have come here as kittens have driven me loopy with night time attacks, hair pulling & toe biting! I generally play dead & they give up.
But they all seem to get over it as they get over about a year & all seem to settle down & become quieter when they see me go to bed. I always have at least 5 on the bed at night & a dog..but they don't disturb me!
Try to wear them out just before you go to bed with lots of games, it's worth a try! Gelda

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How can i get my 2 cats to go to sleep!!

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