Hi again.... Hopefully he will learn in time to be quiet at night....and depending on how much of a sucker you are....move his bed closer to your bedroom, could he sleep on the landing....must admit after two nights of that I would probably have him on the floor of my bedroom.....total sucker me!!!! The food issue is an easy, if time consuming problem to solve....hand feed him! [hope you're giving him dry food....lol... If not just wash your hands well afterwards]. Sit quietly with him, you on a chair, him sitting infront of you, give him a small amount of food each time with the command 'Gently'...and repeat, you can use this training [under supervision] with your daughter as well....lol....her feeding him....not you feeding her! This will help him to bond with her....might stop the humping as well. if he snaps, a very firm 'NO' and remove him from the room. I know he's old, but he should settle in time, especially when he realises you are not going to leave him. Try going outside for 5 mins, then returning and making a fuss of him...then 10 mins and so on. Do not make a fuss of him when you leave! Maybe settle him with a chew...then slip out.
Lisa x