have been searching for someones comments about last nights BB, but.........seeing as i cant find any, i will give my thoughts and in return can you give me yours? ; ) that hardfaced, miserable, scowling, 2 faced bitch was soooo unrepentant i watched it with gob hanging open : 0 if i'd been Davina (usless cow) i'd have wanted to smack her right across that ugly mug and wipe that self satisfied smirk of her face! Cleo is just bizarre cant even be bothered talking about her, but.......ahh...........little Danielle bless her slaggy little socks, heheheheh getting more minging by the day is this little trollop, maybe she'll get a contract with clearasil when she gets out? Blimey.........just read this back, pity anyone who bumps into me in Tesco today Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
hey ppwest............you and i have turned into the 'invisible women' ; ) unless everyones fallen out with us : O
in answer to your Q about gingers on corrie........do you mean natural gingers or people who have dyed it/ (as if) lol only joking
I agree i hated Jo and i was gutted that she did not leave the house on her own, i felt that would have been a suitable punishment for her crime. They are all spineless. Why on earth did they all allow her to smoke in the house? She is so selfish subjecting them to her filthy habit. At least Dirk smoked most of the time out doors. My biggest gripe about the whole oxogate thing is that there were 4 mature adults in there who just sat back and watched that whole sorry saga unfold. I feel they are all as guilty as Jade etc by not trying to difuse the situation, how cleo could say it would have made things worse to me beggars belief.
Jer man to win!!!!!!!!
yeah i agree with all that, have my doubts about jermaine winning though? would they let a 'non-brit' win do ya think/ hope that bitch danielle has to leave onher own, and is greeted by Teddy, with another set of suitcases hehehehehe