Gold Fish in The AnswerBank: Pets
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Gold Fish

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rowan1990 | 18:13 Tue 13th Feb 2007 | Pets
2 Answers
Hey, i have a few gold fish in my fish tank and i have noticed that they are catching these dieases and dying rapidly before they die they swim on theyre back and seem lifeless.i have heard its theyre swin bladder but im not that sure .can any body tell me what it is and the cure of it thanks
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I am no expert with goldfish, but my son had a tank some years ago, and we went through a few fish before we got it right. When changing the water we only changed half the tank and the water we used had been stood at room temperature for some 24 hours (we used to use an old beer fermenting barrel). We also had to use some water purifying drops to take out the chlorine. hope this helps.
Do you have any filteration if not you should invest in some. The P H is also important to goldfish check the P H any make any changes to bring it to about 6.8. Never us any sprys in the same room as the tank this will bring on the illness you describe.

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