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hamsters after pregnancy

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k8bailey | 23:13 Wed 21st Feb 2007 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers
after having babies, will the hamsters personality be the same? or could she be friendlier / more aggresive?

we've only had our hamster (macy) for nearly 4wks and 11days ago she had 9 babies which all survived despite her being so young (aprox 6wks when we bought her)

p.s if anyone living in the cardiff area is looking for a baby hamster ours will be ready at the end of next month and are free to good homes!!


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dont touch da babys coz da mum mite get ***** off!!!
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actually the mums been very calm even when the cage was knocked of the shelf and fell to the floor less than 12 hours after she'd given birth.

she has been allowing me to clean parts of the cage out since they were 5 days old and i can now pick them up at only 12 days old.

I've done lots of research about the birth, pregnancy, weaning, what to feed the mother but i havent read anything out the mothers personality after birth, some dogs for instace can become calmer or more agressive after having puppies and this personality change can continue long after the pups have been rehomed so I was just wondering if the same happened to other animals, specifically hamsters?
If continually breeding, then yes her temprement will be changed as you will undoubtedly be handling her less and less.

I used to have many hamsters when I was young...seems you are having great luck. I remmeber some dwarf hamsters I had once had a litter and ATE every single baby, bar one. Quite odd.

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