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new pet with existing pet

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ajsweepea | 18:36 Tue 21st Aug 2007 | Pets
2 Answers
How do we handle our 6 year old dachsunds ill behavior toward our new 7week old cairn puppy?


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You don't say what the older dog is doing, but in most cases, you need to make sure the older dog can get away from the playful puppy that might keep pestering it. Make sure the pup has got a cage it can go in to eat and sleep and play so it can do so without upsetting the resident dog.
Make sure you give the older dog lots of fuss and attention so it doesn't feel left out.

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Thank you. We are showering the older dog with attention.
We greet him first when we come in the house or the room, he has been snapping at the puppy if he gets close and on one occassion bit him.
The older dog makes wide circles to keep away from the pup, and for awhile wouldn't even look at us!!
Last night was better with us, still wants nothing to do with Quinn (the baby)

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new pet with existing pet

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