Well, this is a question really for the university to answer. Usually one recieves an accpetance letter with "Conditional" on it. Meaning that a certain grade average must be held otherwise acceptance may or may not be taken away. I have never seen the word "Unconditional" on an acceptance letter before. It seems to be a good sign; she will be let in no matter what, but ask the University directly.
thanks alot i thought she may be in as her grades to get in were good . but she did put her app in late so we wernt sure. it was all sent and replyed to by email. thanks again.
yes, it means that she is in unconditionally. this means that regardless of the results she achieves, she has secured her place. a very strong position to be in!
I had an unconditional offer when i applied to uni's.
It is as previous poster says, an offer from the university that is a firm acceptance, regardless of grades acheived.
Even if that uni isnt the first choice, (as with the offer i got), it is a good back up to have.