My cat has recently decided it'd be fun to climb doorframes. She runs around to build up speed and launches herself up. Aside from the humour factor, she really needs to stop as the frames are wood and I don't own the property. I don't want to get into trouble with my landlord. I've been spraying citrus polish on the frames, but it isn't stopping her.
Does anyone know any other ideas?
I'm in the process of getting her a scratching post, but she had one last year and she ignored it.
Hi feisty, why not spray your scratching post with cat mint, you can buy it in spray form from pet stores and cats adore it.This might take her mind of the door frames [I hope].They are little devils when they set their minds to do what they should not, but loved all the same.Good luck and I hope it works for your kitty and you lol.g.