You may already have kittens by now but if not she's due any time in the next few days;
Get a large cardboard box - large enough for mum to lie down at full length on her side without squashing any kittens. Deep enough to keep wandering kittens in & drafts out. Line the bottom thickly with several newspapers, then tear a couple into strips & make a thick, fluffy layer. Top off with a flat newspaper & finally an old towel.
Keep her where you can keep an eye on her or shut her in the kitchen with the box. Keep cupboards & draws closed & keep her out of places where it would be inconvenient for her to nest. Do not let her out. This way she should kitten in her box. If not, put the first two in the box once they're born. If she hasn't had them by moving day can someone who isn't moving house 'cat sit' her in a spare room? Alternatively, contact your local Cat's Protection who may be able to help until your move is completed. Typical cat - really bad timing! lol. Please let us know how you get on?