Isn't it amazing that pets are really your most loyal and loving best friend despite not being able to communicate verbally.
My dog is the sweetest thing and acts so concerned if i'm upset , never leaving my side, wanted to be hugged and showering me in kisses. if i'm happy he gets all excited too, again, more kisses and lots of manic running around.
i couldn't imagine my life without the pup (almost 1yrs old). it sounds corny, but he is truly a part of my family and brings so much love to it.
is anyone else absolutely besotted with their pooch?
Hi MiniN I have dogs and cats and two g/pigs and adore them all, I do think my cats and dogs have e.s.p especially the cats, and boy what a welcome when you come home if only out for a short time.They make the day worth getting up for and repay a thousand times with their love and protection.g.
I know exactly where u are coming from. I wouldn't be without my Chinese Crested pup - she is my life.
I often think ppl think i'm a bit odd as she comes before everything and I treat her more like a child then a dog but i wouldn't have it any other way.
Absolutely. My boxer was put down on the 16 June and I still mourn her. So loving, unselfish and so much fun. The family is just not the same without her.
They sneak up on you. You start off with all the good intentions ( he's not sleeping on chairs or beds he's not going to be given treats etc) and before you know it everythings gone by the board & he's suddenly become the master of the house, demanding & getting all your attention, still we wouldn't be without Max, even when he goes to sleep in his favorite place which just happens to block the signal for the T.V/Sky remote
Must say I was thrilled to see the police dog on the tv last night being allowed on the bed with the dog handlers little girl while she was having a bedtime story. Great stuff!