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barking at night

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lil75 | 18:42 Wed 20th Aug 2008 | Pets
8 Answers
My bedlington terrier has for no reason just started barking in the middle of the night...he does this every night and he isnt going off his head, its just a continous woof with a second break in between each bark, he keeps waking the whole house up and its really getting annoying...anyone got any ideas why he could be doing it or how to put a stop to it?


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There must be a disturbance outside. Since it gets you up let the dog out to see what the problem is.

If its just a cat/squirrel/hedgehog or whatever that u dont want him to kill....tell him sharply to 'leave'. When he quietens, praise him......he'll soon get the message that u dont want him barking for above reasons.
Surely getting uo to him will teach him that barking gets what he wants - attention and company.
I would suggest ignoring him but guess your already doing that.
Its v strange that hes just started doing this, has nothing changed?
Sorry not to be much help!
That's definitely an 'I've sensed something unusual' bark.Something around outside has attracted his attention, but he doesn't feel threatened by it: he's just remarking on it and putting others, particularly his pack leader, on notice to listen too.Unfortunately the 'others' are the rest of the house ! The annoying thing is that letting the dog out to investigate is almost always a waste of time.It never finds the cause (or if it does it must keep quiet about it, because you never find what it is).Answer? Try terambulan's method once (you never know!) He's not barking for 'attention and company', he's just informing you..Otherwise, try saying 'good boy, come here', and settling him.That may work (it does with ours) by telling him you know and aren't fussed by whatever it is.With any luck he'll ignore the same stimulus next time because he'll learn that his 'pack leader'(you), knows and has declared it not worth reporting again.
I think he see's dead people. Let him sleep upstairs with you, your spooks are probably scaring him.

Is a Bedlington Terrier one of those lamb like dogs?
Sorry I cant help with the problem, but just wanted to say hi as I too have a Bedlington terrier!! Dont get to meet many other owners.

PS velvetee - yes they do look like little lambs!
It is probable as fredpuli47 says, that he can hear something, which you probably won;t be able to hear. It may be another dog barking which is within his earshot, but out of yours.

Is it possible to move him to another room, preferably on the other side of the house? This may put the noise source out of his earshot - it is worth a try.
How old is he?
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Thankyou for all your answers, Hi sally! hope your one doesnt start doing what my one has, he never used to do it, I moved a year ago and he was fine up until about 2 months ago, and its like he just does it for the sake of it, its so frustrating.

Loftylottie, not sure how old he is as he is a rescue dog, but he was fully grown when I got him and ive had him 5 years, so not sure about that!

He normally sleeps in the hallway, but ive tried letting him sleep in my room, but he loves sleeping under my bed, and he usually still scrambles out like a nutter in the middle of the night to go and have his gives me a heart attack, just dont know what to do with him...maybe get him some earplugs and sellotape his ears down lol...only joking!

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