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"You've been framed" moment....

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~max~ | 16:36 Mon 01st Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Have you had one lately?

Last night, I got a glass of water and put it on my night table. During the night, my cat must have felt thirsty, and tried to drink from it, but it was too small for her head, so she tipped it over.
Cue me being woken up at 4am by water thrown in my face! A full glass too! I must have jumped about a foot in the air, cos my poor cat literally flew up the wardrobe in


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lol, cats are great, murphy jumped up on the bed and landed on my hairbrush bristle side up, she lept straight up in the air totally terrified and i was laughing so much i fell of the bed tipping my cup of tea all over me!
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One of those chain-reactions eh! lol
So funny when someone is laughing so hard at someone else's mishap that they bump into things or fall over! :O)
ROFL , gosh that's so funny , I have that firmly imaged in my head .....what great moments to capture :-D xxxxxx
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A mate of mine went to sit down on the corner couch at a party. Unfortunately, the two parts weren't stuck together, so she fell right in between! I had to sit on the floor I was laughing so much!
i've done that before!
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I wonder how all these people manage to have their camera ready for such moments eh! I'd have been rich by
not so funny at the time, i can laugh now though.

me and few of the guys were playing darts, it was my turn and as i went to throw the dart someone coughed and i turned letting the dart go, smack right into a mans forehead! it just peirced his skin, could of been alot more serious, we ended up having a beer with him and joked about it.
I know mine isn't as funny ..but I made myself some crumpets this afternoon and when they were nicely done under the grill I took them out ......up they flew into the air and onto the floor waving my fingers around after finding them very hot to handle !
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lol BM! the 5 seconds rule applies though....;O)

Johnny, OMG! Thank god it didn't fly into his eye!
Hi max,
I have a video of my kids when they were young coming out of one of those plastic wendy houses. When they came out, all their hair was literally stood on end!! Their heads had rubbed on the under side of the roof! lol!
Had a dream i was milking a cow.
When i woke the woman lying next to me was squealing .

Thankfully she saw the funny side : 0)
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Oh, and once when I was playing pool, the white ball went flying and dropped straight into someone's pint!!! What are the chances eh! lol
Lol Sachs :-D
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I watch it every saturday....One of my shameful
This is true, you'll like this mamma!! My son use to wear baseball caps, well this one particularly windy day we were going to his nannas. The wind took the cap of his head and it landed absolutely spot on, on top of a dogs head, it was sat outside it's house!!!!!
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Of course! lol!
Aww, gross ... you have a CAT in your bedroom ?????

Sorry max.

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Yes, she sleeps in my bed too. :O)
Believe me, she's a lot better than most things I've had to share a bed with, JJ!

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"You've been framed" moment....

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