Hi afcjan, I know it's been a while since you posted your question, but I was so pleased to read that someone else has experienced this too. My beloved Bubbles died in 2005, very unexpectedly in her sleep (at the top of the stairs) I acquired 2 cats around a month later (mother and daughter) within 3 months the mother cat had done a bunk to a house a few doors away and now lives very happily with them. Soon after I too kept noticing a dark low shadow every now and then, and often wondered if it was Bubbles coming back to check on little one, as Bubbles had originally been abandoned in a house with her newborn kittens and left to fend for herself when the owners abandoned her. She had such a lovely nature, very passive and loving, I have wondered whether her maternal instincts have brought her back, and also to say hello to me. I do miss her every day, I hope that one day I have the honour and privilledge to rehome a cat like her, although I love little Toffe to bits, she's a firey little minx! Obviously your cat knew she was loved and wanted and is visiting you to let you know she's okay and quite possibly is checking up on how your new addition is treating you!