Staples in a dog in The AnswerBank: Pets
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Staples in a dog

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bigelaine | 20:36 Tue 02nd Dec 2008 | Pets
8 Answers
My dog got knocked down today and has some staples in his muzzle. I was just so glad to get him back from the vets that I forgot to ask when/if to take him back to get the staples out. Anyone got any idea how long staples stay in?
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So glad your dog is home, and reasonably OK. I should think the staples would have to stay in for a week to 10 days. The best idea would be to telephone the vet in the morning to make sure when you need to take the dog back to have the staples taken out. Hope your dog continues to make a good recovery. Good Luck
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Thanks I'll do that, Schutzengel. I just can't believe that my dog got hit by a flatbed lorry doing 40mph and lived to tell the tale!! He is one lucky pup and I am one happy Mum!
Oh! my. he was one very lucky dog. You must have been frantic with worry. How's he doing tonight? What's his name and what kind is he? I think a stiff drink is in order for you. I'll be thinking of you both. Keep in touch and let me know how he's doing. Schutz.
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He is an English Springer Spaniel called Barney and will be 9 next month. He is doing well but is limping on his front right leg/shoulder. I think he was hit there and luckily was thrown away from the lorry. I cant believe this happened to him because a fortnight ago he was saving my other dogs life by giving him a blood transfusion! My other dog had developed auto imune haemolytic anaemia and nearly died 2 weeks ago. So Barney has gone from lifesaver to patient in 14 days! Thankfully it looks as if they are both going to be fine and the vets can plan their winter holidays on the strength of my vets bill! I'm off to pour myself a medicinal vodka!
so glad your dogs are going to be ok my cat was hit by a car and had to have her leg amputated she had 22 staples and they took them out after 10 days love to both dogs
Hi Elaine,
Hope the medicinal vodka made you feel a bit better.
Lots of Love and cuddles to Barney - What a hero!!! How is your other dog progressing, after the blood transfusion. (What kind of a dog, and what's his/her name), and love and cuddles for that dog too. Not to leave you out, there's some big Hugs for you as well. Look forward to hearing your two patients are on the mend. Schutz.
Hello Ruthann,
Sorry to hear about your cat's accident. Glad the surgery was successful. How is he/she coping on three legs. Here are some Purrs (Puuuurrrrs) from my cats Tansy, (21yrs), Felix (6), and Frankie (3), to cheer up your cat. Regards. Schutz.
thanks for the message schutz she is coping fine now ,it happened the last saturday of september smashed her little face and she lost most of her teeth ,we did not let her out again till after all the fireworks had finished now the weather is really nasty she doesnt bother to go out she uses the tray , not been a good year we have lost 3 cats and our gsd ,but life goes on doesnt it and its so nice to come on here and talk to people who understand

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