Keep in touch, annie - we can compare notes on how our little darlings are doing after their ops.!! If they're anything like Cleo was after she was spayed, they'll be totally spaced out for most of Friday evening, but fine (normal? Is there such a thing for a cat??) by Saturday. I just hope we don't get too much snow up here tonight and that I'll be able to get Mischa to the vet on Friday. She's a lovely wee thing, she's only got 3 legs & about 2 inches of tail. She was horribly ill-treated as a tiny kitten and she came to us at about 5 weeks old, just after we'd lost little Monty. She was very frightened but soon learned that I'm a complete softie for cats and now she's a right little madam! She sleeps under the duvet, snuggled up to me, like a little, furry hot-water bottle - great in this weather!! K x