We laid a lawn last year - and it was a lush green lawn for months. Winter is over soon and its looking a little less lush. Am guessing its just the time of year. How can I get that bright green back again? I have noticed throughout there is a few blades of brown grass - but not in patches.. just spread throughout.
ANy idea? Do I need to feed it and if so with what and when?
maybe some Weed and Feed from the garden center? that always brings out some nice green colours and removes some weeds. if you dont have any annoying weeds then just look for some grass feed.
Thanks DanAB. I dont think there are any weeds as it is not even a year old so hopefully hasn't succumbed, but I want to keep it healthy.
How can I also improve drainage in one area?
I know we had a very wet winter - but one part of the lawn was very waterlogged and mushy for most of the winter and I know that can weaken the grass and cause disease?
Any ideas?
I'm all motivated now with the nice weather we had at the weekend to get out and do some gardening!!
Insert your garden fork into the soil about 4" and about 4" apart and wiggle it about a little, then spread sand over the area and work it into the holes you`ve made. Do this every year in March. It`s hard work but the results are well worth it.You can buy the proper tool which lifts out small amounts of earth like a fork.