Hi We recently got our daughters a female guinea pig each .They get plenty of proper guinea pig foood to eat but just lately they have started to eat the newspaper that we put underneath sawdust at the bottom of their cage.Can anyone tell us if this is dangerous for their digestive system and if it is what can we do to stop it from happening.
Mine used to do this occasionally and though it didn't seem to do him any harm it's probably better that they don't. Do you give them crunchy foods (carrots etc) and other green stuff to eat? It might also be worth having a look at their teeth as they do get long and sometimes need trimming by a vet. This is quite a simple procedure.
We used to have guinea pigs, and one or two of them liked nothng better than a good knaw at paper. They had a very varied diet, and were very healthy, they just seemed to like eating paper! Did them no harm, the only problems were if you left any paper within tooth reach, it got gobbled- unread newspapers, bills, homework books, the lot!
Still it was better than the one who liked eating rubber and soft plastic, electric cables and buttons on remote controls were especially favoured!