Mrs O, everyone had given you both the correct and sound advice. But I just want to add 2 points. 1st, if you do embark (excuse the pun!) upon getting the RSPA & DWs involved, then from what you say, your neighbour is a nasty bit of work - so be prepared for a long running battle on your hands! - You know the usual, taxi's & take aways to your house at all hours and all the other silly things these type of people do to get back at you - you have a recourse to that also, but once again - - - on goes the battle. But the 2nd thing is, have you seen the thing which you can buy through some of these we selling magazines which sends an ultra (whatever?) sound which only the dogs can hear and it stops them barking? Worth looking into. I'd get it for my neighbour who also has about 6 / 7 dogs, only it may affect my 3 cats - - which I have to kill the mice that comes in from same neighbour!!