We have been bitten several times over the last week, tiny litte raised white bites that are very itchy mainly at night time. We wonder whether this is bed bugs although we have a clean house and I have now fumigated the room and washed or destroyed bed linen and pillows. We also wonder whether it may be cat/dog lice that have arrived on our bed by a pet and susequently bitten us. I have seen an insect that is beige and lice looking and very small but do not know if cat/dog lice will bite a human when the host is not present.
Fleas will bite human whether cat/dog is present or not simply because it is looking for blood it likes. You would really need to fumigate entire house one room is not adequate as they can travel on you to other rooms and can lie dormant in carpet for some time. You can look for evidence of bed bugs in the edge seams of your mattress, if you see tiny black dots it's possible you have bed bugs, either way I would get whole house professionally fumigated.