We have a 10 year old Shih Tzu that has had a skin condition since a puppy, we tried every treatment and tests to find out what the problem was to no avail. .
A friend told us about about a raw feeding diet, just fresh meat, bones and fish, yogurt and a little cottage cheese, all raw.
We tried this diet and within two weeks the skin condition was gone!
We now feed our four dogs on this and they eat with enthusiasm they are looking fantastic and even top breeders say how well they look and they are winning shows.
Research the diet and do your dog a favour, the stuff that goes into kibble is so full of cereal and rubbish that cause dogs so many problems, their digestive system is not designed to cope with it! it is designed to eat meat!
Kibble needs to stay in the laboratory that created the stuff, we even make our own liver treats, even our 10 week old wolfhound is eating raw.