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I am so bored.....

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bobjugs12 | 20:00 Sun 01st Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
What would you people advise to alleviate boredom till Top Gear tonight.
I'm trying to avoid contact with my family as much as humanly possible as they get right on my tits!

I may go onto News and try to be as controversial as possible. Or go into R&D and see if I can't give the worst advice in the world to a young teenager in love.


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Thought r and d was receipt and dispatch,maybe the same...
Yello docxxx
Another controversial person in News would hardly make any difference; the place is full of them already.

Teenagers never listen to older people anyway. It's a law of nature ;-)

What to do until Top Gear? Watch the athletics, maybe? At least you won't have to remember to change channels!
Sherlock at 9pm - was quite good last week. Entertaining if nothing else.

Otherwise, could you nip up here and collect MY teenager and explain to her

a) things do not JUMP out of the refuse. It means she has missed when they land on the floor which I then have to clean.
b) Just because SHE didn't do it, doesn't mean if I ask her to clean something up she can excuse herself on that basis.
c) Don't do that in the house (water pistols), means exactly that.
d) Would you like x or y for your tea means "make a choice". When I cook x, because I could not get an answer, I do not expect to have a curled lip and to be told "I want y" followed by uneaten food and a curled lip.
e) I am entitled to tell her these things without "You are not my bloody mother", "you're a cow" and long silence and grunts.

Otherwise, fine. My mother just called and invited me on a two week cruise in March, I am so close to saying "flump it" and going.
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4get, Heartbeat, i'd rather remove my toes with a pair of scissors
Not so young butch, but cheers anyway
Doc, you wanna hug bigman? :D
Brady, done it. Some are good, some are brilliant, some are downright awful (no names though)
poodi, r&d = relationships and dating
Bueno, sounds like a possible plan
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Barmaid sherlock is on at 8.30pm..
put in some practice on little anne
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have a look at the thing on Amish people, amazing that people still live like them
telly is rubbish so that wont cure your bordom

i also bored

General Ways to Annoy People

Announce when you're going to the bathroom.
Ask people to prove everything they say. (e.g. "I'm Bob, nice to meet you..." "PROVE IT!")
Before exiting the elevator, push all the buttons.
bobjugs top gear? i'd rather remove my eyeballs with a pair of scissors :-)
Poodi - thank you!!! I enjoyed that last week. So I am going upstairs to watch in 9 mins!!!!!

hmmm, pliers sound like a good idea! lol
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OI LEAVE TOP GEAR ALONE!!! (Just like that maggie?)

Barmaid, are you seriously suggesting leaving me in charge of a teenager? I'd teach her a whole new raft of swear words, and have her smoking and drinking by the time we left the end of your street. I'm officialy a bad influence on impressionable kids
leave heartbeat aone then :-)
Bob, do I sound like I care?!!!

Their father watched the grand prix this afternoon whilst I "entertained" them.

And trust me, you can't be any worse than I was as a teenager. I just spoke to my mother and she laughed.

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I am so bored.....

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