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What The Funicular

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mollykins | 21:20 Sun 20th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
86 Answers
For a few minutes I kept hearing this kind of muffled noise that kind of sounded like someone in the garage or next door using an electric drill for a few seconds at a time, every 10 or 20 seconds.

I was really confused so decided to investigate.

Any guesses to what it was?


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your dad banging his head against the wall
-- answer removed --
your imagination?
Can't even begin to guess, molly. You'll have to tell us.
Dentist on a home visit?
Ed did announce some site maintenance earlier Molls.
your next door neighbour using an electric drill?
Hammerdrill Mouse of Horrors?
Sixty minute makeover?
Aliens preparing to capture you tonight and abduct you to Alpha Centauri....
Someone in the garage or next door using an electric drill for a few seconds at a time, every 10 or 20 seconds? I'm lacking in imagination tonight...
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He's in the bath fluff - and not the right kinda noise.

I only typed w-t-f

no avan.

in a minute mrs.c.

at 9pm maidup?

mamy this was in my house.

beejay, one neighbour is an old lady and the other side never do any DIY they always get people in to do it.

A dentists door bell?
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owdhammer I hate those shows they do a bodge job and msot the people end up hating it.

not quite DT

*sigh* @ jenna.
Mum's rabbit fallen behind the wardrobe?
Has he taken a spoon in there, he could be tapping on the pipes.
Electric toothbrush?
Lol Naz!
Electric toothbrush or similar vibrating device had turned itself on or was being used repeatedly ?

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What The Funicular

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