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Blackbirds - why?

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saxy_jag | 19:01 Wed 30th Mar 2011 | Animals & Nature
31 Answers
I'm currently being woken by a lovely alarm clock - there's a blackbird in the vicinity who sits out there every morning at dawn, singing his little heart out, bless him.

My question is, why does the blackbird always seem to be the one to initiate the dawn chorus?


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The main reason is to keep other Blackbirds and Thrushes out of its feeding territory. Their main diet - worms and other slimey things - is easily digested so they need a longer feeding timeframe than other birds that feed on seeds and insects which take longer to digest.

You'll also see the blackbird out when it is nearly dark to fill up before going to...
22:00 Wed 30th Mar 2011
That's his job.

He's like the wheelie bin men in Mayfair.
Off the web:

''Why do birds such as Skylark, Song thrush, Robin and Blackbird consistently start to sing earlier in the dawn chorus than for example the Wren and Warblers? Birds like the Song thrush, Robin and Blackbird are thought to rise earlier because they have larger eyes''
They do my head in....
it's a lovely thing to wake to. like my kitty snuggled on my head and purring! it's a pleasant way to come back to reality x
"my kitty snuggled on my head" ??

In what parallel universe is it "pleasant" to wake up to find some skanky animal shedding its fur on your pillow ???
I have a robin that sings all night outside my bedroom window. There is so much street lighting he must think it's daylight.
The only proper birds to wake up to are seagulls ... obviously.
oh's lush having a warm and very fluffy bod next to yours when you wake. it's worse to be mashed on, licked or farted into consciousness (all unfortunate side effects of experiencing the nicer stuff sometimes) x
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Well, Snags, we don't get too many wrens and warblers around here. Blackbirds, magpies and woodpigeons are the most common. Must admit, the wood pigeons are quite relaxing to listen to and the maggies are amusing to watch, so I'm quite lucky really.

Sometimes in winter we wake up and think we're near the sea, because we get loads of gulls hanging out on the nearby playing field.

For a mile from a busy city centre, we don't too badly.
It's my alarm clock, we have about 20 in the garden and surrounds and at the moment it starts about 4.50. As the year goes on it'll be about an early start for me soon....It's a very territorial bird and wants to be the loudest and best...the robin comes a close second and the wren is amazing for it's size
lcg ...

"it's lush"

"mashed on"

Can I phone a friend?

Oh, hang on ... I could try Google Translate !

jj...i will lend out my furry friends if you wish to have a practical demonstration...all three of them x
Nooooooo thank you !!

I don't want animal fluff in my bed, thank you.

Yeesh !
mmm. does get a bit hairy/itchy after a while. but with five in a bed, there are usually more pressing things to worry about! x
Five cats in your bed?

I don't even like my OWN hair in my face. I sometimes sleep with it up in a pony so I don't get it in my mouth during the night.

I couldn't imagine getting cat fur in my mouth.

Eeuuugh !
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I very often have an extra wake-up call of my dog's nose stuck in my face, a sort of 'are you awake yet, Mum?'. It stays there until I reach out of the covers tiddle her ears, at which point she'll lie down, thus preventing hubby from getting back into bed when he comes up with coffee.

Saying that, I've been poorly this week, and she's been lovely company.
sorry, jj: 3 moggies, myself and mr kicker. very, very crowded! if it were more, i'd probably sleep on the stairs! x
"dog's nose stuck in my face" ... saxy ?

These are the animals which lick their own butts, yes ??
I think the Blackbird is also one of the last to bed in Summer. Have a listen at dusk.
Dusk = starlings.

Thousands and thousands of starlings.

The air over the pier is full of them.

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Blackbirds - why?

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