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I did take some photo's but picture quality was poor (abominable really!), I'll have to get a better camera.
Last year the TV aerial appeared to be the staging post for training flights for the juvenile. At first the juvenile would drop off the aerial to pick up speed and zoom over my head towards the bird feeders and then land on my summerhouse, sitting there in a 'huff' because all the other birds had b#ggered off. I could feel the backdraft from his wings he was so low to my head.
Thinking back 2 yrs, I had a Sparrow Hawk take a sparrow in my garden at high speed, it was so close to me I could have reached out and touched them. What it did do is make me jump about 2 feet in shock because all I saw at first was a big explosion of feathers. May well be this hawk is one of the present pair.