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Chopping Down A Trree

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The Cowboy | 11:48 Sun 29th May 2011 | Animals & Nature
15 Answers
Is it illegal to chop down a healthy tree in the UK. One of my neighboursr is pestering another neighbour to let them chop down her tree. I have told her I think it is illegal to do so.


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If it doesn't have a preservation order on it, and you don't want it chopped down, then you, or anyone, can apply for one. The tree doesn't have to be on your land. I applied for one last year but unfortunately I was unsuccessful. But the developers have promised to keep the tree I'm pleased to say.
11:56 Sun 29th May 2011
I thought this was only when there was a presevation order on the tree. If they do not want her to chop it down they could apply to the council for an order
No .. Unless it is in this short list. For info ...
If it doesn't have a preservation order on it, and you don't want it chopped down, then you, or anyone, can apply for one. The tree doesn't have to be on your land. I applied for one last year but unfortunately I was unsuccessful. But the developers have promised to keep the tree I'm pleased to say.
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How do I get a preservation order and how much does it cost?
What sort of tree is it?
It's not casting a bit of shade while the neighbour is sunbathing is it?
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Don't know what kind it is, but I know it's almost 40 years old. The branches that overhunf the garden have all been trimmed and the main problem with her is the leaves falling in Autumn onto her conservatory roof. The conservatory is only about 5 years ols so she was well aware of the tree.
It didn't cost me anything when I applied to my local council Tree Preservation Officer.
If it's your tree, your neighbour has no right to ask you to cut it down unless it's dangerous. She can chop of branches which overhang her boundary, but as you say, the tree was there before her conservatory. If in doubt the tree owner should get some legal advice. If the other party comes into her garden and chops it down, they are breaking the law.
Did you actually bother to read that information on the link I posted?
It's all on there!
If the tree does not have a preservation order on it, getting one is not just that straightforward. The owner of the conservatory's rights are also considered. Is it not possible to trim the tree down so that from the conservatory to the top of the tree is no more then 45°?

Unhappy neighbours can make for an unhappy life.
why do people hate trees so much do they not realize they provide oxygen not to mention a haven for wildlife I would not let my neighbour make me cut my tree down
Quite right MD, a tree is a thing of beauty and should be treasured as such.
mdenning, People have a right to reasonably enjoy their property, I can't see any reference to hating trees here. Spouting blocked with a neighbour's leafs can become a costly problem if not cleared out. You wouldn't be so staunch if your south neighbour had a huge tree that shaded your property or is so close that it's roots endanger your house's foundation.

I really can't think of anyone who actually hates trees, I suspect you didn't actually mean hate.

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