Here's a thought. Does anyone, who was born in England, know what nationality they are? English does not seem to be accepted as a nationality any more, one must put "British". Even "United Kingdom" is irrelevant with Scotland and Wales being devolved and having their own parliaments. I am confused.
We must put British on legal documents but I consider myself as being English as I am sure the Scots Welsh and NI will consider themselves to be of their country of birth
English is born in England what's the problem I always put English.My hubby is Irish and thats what he puts down neither of us uses British or EU member !
They would be English. And as England is a part of Great Britain they can put British if they prefer. I've not heard of anyone stating United Kingdomish but I guess it's valid. Give it a while and they may be forced to say European.
i still don't get what is confusing about it. if there is a space for english, tick that, if there is a space for british and not for english, tick that, if it's a blank space, put whatever you prefer. Not being rude (well i am actually) but if that simple thing confuses you, how do you get on in life??
Jake the peg - as I understand it if you are born ina country you can claim that country's nationality in Addition to your parent's nationality. So being born in England makes you English if you want -and many do !
IMO to consider yourself to be a different nationality than the place of birth takes away meaning. Sure adopt another, your parents if you wish, for administrative purposes, but why deny where you are from?