I too can't believe what I'm hearing.. you people seriously need to grow up and stop taking life for granted. so animals can't speak so what.. we are their voice! So my best advice would be to look after the little pigeon, I think your pigeon may have a broken wing or torn a ligament. most people would carefully capture it and keep it in a crate or pet crate with holes to breath in and supply some crushed peanuts and water, not bread.. that only bloats them. but peanuts are high in fat which they need. Then I would try and find if there's a bird rehabilitation centre nearby were they care for the injured until healed back to health and then let them back in the wild. can you imagine, how great that must be? for the pigeon to be at full health once again. amazing. and it would be all down to you.. caring isn't a weakness, it's a strength that is well admired- remember that. and do the right thing. - Heather x