Hubby hasn't quite put the finishing touches to the hutch, so before he does, do same sex rabbits need their own sleeping quarters or do they huddle up??? (both from same litter)
We have room to make one big sleeping quarter or it is big enough to be separated.
I hope they are both girlies as two boys could end up fighting. Also have a look at "a hutch is not enough" on youtube or the rabbit welfare website, it'll help give you some guidelines for the hutch.
My rabbits were male and female (gorgeous little things) Parsley and Primrose. I bought them as two girls, but they are hard to sex when young. As soon as I found out one was male, I had him castrated as I wanted them to live togethter and didn't want them to breed. I adored those little rabbits.
Doc pinkypie isn't going to eat her rabbits, she has posted threads before about keeping rabbits and never has she mentioned eating them ! I luv you doc, but enough (lol)