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the brightest star in the sky

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emmie | 07:27 Wed 26th Oct 2011 | Science
18 Answers
from our window you can see an incredibly bright star.
On very clear nights, with no cloud cover, there it seems to sit, twinkling away, and i wonder what it is. I am no astronomer, though happy to listen and learn from those who are interested and knowledgeable. someone else
who doesn't live in the capital has asked me, and i said i wasn't sure.


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stellarium is an excellent program for seeing what is visible
If it's that bright it's most likely going to be a planet.

I think Jupiter is quite prominant at the moment due south and rises just after sunset

Does that sound possible?
Jupiter is the brightest planet at the moment.
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I wondered if it was, as someone else mentioned, not sirius then
Sirius is the brightest star but it's not as bright as people often think it is.

Sirius is low in the sky below Orion

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Looked at those pictures, excellent, i find it an interesting subject, and often wonder about our planet in the grand scheme of things.
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must be Jupiter, thank you all, i wish the capital didn't get quite so much cloud cover, as i am sure that you could see a lot more. I remember being
in Greece, and the sky was so beautiful at night.
Sirius is quite interesting for a number of reasons, it's quite close to us about 8 light years and has a small white dwarf star orbiting it (actually it's quite large for a white dwarf about the mass of the sun)

It was one of the first white dwarves found - you need a pretty good telescope.

Sirius is the "dog star" following at the heels of Orion the Hunter and Sirius B has been nicknamed "the pup" (all together aaah)

But I still think you're most likely looking at Jupiter
Where I am I have wide space view of open sky and this is why I get super views of the Spacestation. I forget that some people in built up areas don't get the same view.
One of the features of Jupiter is that it doesn't twinkle.
stars twinkle planets don't. If its low, bright and doesn't twinkle, most likely its Venus
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might not be that then, i don't possess nor have room for a telescope, so only can go on what one sees.
Tonight, Jupiter will be directly southeast at 9:30pm, and due south at around a quarter past midnight.
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its not low, i do know that much, and in built up areas like ours you see plenty of planes criss-crossing, but this is very bright, perhaps it doesn't shimmer, twinkle i don't know, but i think it's Jupiter.
Do you have a pair of binoculars?

With Jupiter you should be able to make out 4 tiny moons around it.

There are the Galeleian satellites Calisto Europa Ganymede and Io
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the brightest star in the sky

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