I had to give away my beautiful Sailfin Pleco today.
He just got too big for my tank. He was a beaut! A foot long and with a lovely personality. I will miss him but he has gone to a really really really big tank now so I think he will be happy.
Andy-Hughes- Wow! 14 years is a great age. I won a goldfish years ago at a fair and he lasted for 13 years. Pretty good going I thought. I did cry when he went to the big tank in the sky.
had to move my fish on a while back hardest to part with was Nelson who only had one eye he was too big but luckily was aggressive enough to survive the competition in a pond
I have a goldfish too, think he (or she?) is knocking on 10+ years. Elder Mini Boo acquired him or her and i've somehow ended up with it. Again, like others, i'll be really sad when he finally goes to the bgi goldfish tank in the sky. That being said, i've read that goldies can live to 30+ years! So it might live us all out yet.
I think some golides - if they live to maturity, are in for the long haul.
My senior has is hown ways - I have a little china 'No Fishing' sign which is sitting in the gravel at the bottom of his bwl. Every time i clean him, i stand it up, and within a day he has knocked it down.
About ten years ago, he then companion died, and i got another one because i thought he'd be lonely. No chance - he harried and harrassed the poor creature until it expired - probably through exhaustion / stress, so i have left him to his own fifedom from then on.
I do enjoy having him though - he is low maintenance, and he greets me every morning when i come fown for breakfast - he stares at me until i feed him.
I think fish are relaxing - a lot of sych. wards have aquariums because it's restful for patients to sit with them.
Whether it be a fish, cat, newt, stick-insect, dog or budgie, if the owner can re-home their pet knowing they are going to be well cared for, that is the sign of a caring, loving person.
Although I am a mammal girl and have never had a fish (unless you count the ones from the Fairground that died very quickly) I can appreciate that it is possible to get very attached to any animal.
Maybe you will be able to go visit the fish - just to see that it has settled in okay, at least you will not be too worried about him.
i remember winning a goldfish at a steam rally in 1981...he rode around the show arena with me in my dad's classic car for 45 minutes and survived a further 4 days in a tent! boss hog (as he was later known) lived until 1994 and never could tolerate another fish, snail or anything else placed in the tank. he had bags of character and liked his place in the kitchen where he got loads of attention.
i attempted keeping fish with my son a few years later - which was a disaster and we got through about 6 in two years before we gave up. never did match the legacy of boss. instead, the tank converted to gerbils and we had two sets who both lived over three years. again, they were sweet, funny and lovable in their behaviour and interaction with us. pets are part of a family - regardless of what kind they are and of course you'll miss him...but as others have said you've done the right thing.
there will be a period of sadness and mourning...but then you must plot your next pet adventure! all in good time and we pet lovers are thinking of you x
It's not my plec on you tube notasyoungasiwas. Looks very similar though. His name was plecy. I know, not very imaginative. We had a silver shark called ferghal after ferghal sharkey the singer. He also got too big.
Thank you everyone for all your lovely comments. I'm going to see him tomorrow just for piece of mind.