animals in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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ALLO | 16:00 Wed 27th Apr 2005 | Animals & Nature
10 Answers
what animal would best describe who you are?
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This afternoon, a sloth (Got a hangover)

Normally,  a Golden Labrador. 

still suffering FP? oh dear.

I'd like to be a cat - lounging around all day and getting food on demand. However, my personality is maybe more like a rabbit! Rushing around all day and watching out for predators! ha ha!

Allo Allo, A Bear, because I'm big, strong and hairy and I would like to sleep through the winter.

Well I'm a typical Leo (16 Aug), so I would say a Lion.

P.S. I've got plenty of packets of 'Resolve' in the cupboard FP - hope you feel better soon!

   Well if I had to chose my own anthropomorphism (pretentious moi? but waited a long time to use that word) then it would be the platapus - out on its own and unlike anything else in the world.

A horse maybe, because I'm wiry.

human i hope??

I'm  leo to but my chinese horoscope says I am also a rabbit. Whats with that. How can I be both ends of the  scale.


Me, I'm a pussy cat!!!! NOT
I'd probably be a wolf...don't know why, I've just always had this weird obsession with them =S

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