Can someone please explain why my, obviously hungry, cats (two of them) will not finish the fresh sachet they have been given and yet will meow and demand yet another sachet and another etc. It's most annoying so would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.
We found our cat was doing that, & the stuff left in her bowl attracted flies, so now I give her half a sachet & some 'Go-Cat she leaves an empty bowl now & I can whip it away & wash it. But don't forget to always leave a bowl of fresh water, no milk (Not good for them) half a sachet each will cut down the food bill too.
Because they know it works and they are watching you running around opening more. Once they learn something works they never forget, they are so funny, mine has me doing all sorts and I'm sure she is laughing at me ha ha..
Eric gets a little and often for his wet meat as he doesn't eat very much in one sitting. He also only likes the meat with gravy and not jelly. And not the gravy tescos own bran although sainsburys own bran is acceptable but preferably felix. If he begs for food prior to finishing the little bit in his bowl then he can whistle as boxy suggests, he will eat it eventually rather than let it dry out and he always has biscuits available.
I did try feeding him once in the morning and once in the evening as I have done with my other cats but he would never finish the whole bowl and then after a few hours would just sniff at it if he was hungry but not eat it as the gravy bit had dried up.
You just have learn your cats eating habits and make allowances for it but then don't let them take the proverbial whihc they will do if every time they make a noise you give them a fresh sachet.
They are crafty little b****rs...we feed-they are quiet for a bit-they make noise-we feed..and on and on it goes. Mr Caspar has already had 2 sachets plus Go-Cat,and I can hear him shouting in the kitchen as I type this. He also thinks the dogs food is his....he shouts as I prepare it-and has his head in the bowl before she does.
He now weighs 12 and 3/4 pounds...the lump!
I got mine some cheapy cat biscuits from our local poundshop, even as I was buying it i knew she's turn her nose up at it. "Not to worry" thought I as mixed it with the dog biscuits for the dog (obviously) "it won't go to waste" as she snottily walked away from it.
Now however she'll quite happily pick the aforementioned cat biscuits out of the dog's bowl and smugly eat them in front of a very stunned dog.
I also forgot to mention that she's also quite partial to hooking a dog biscuit of of the dogs bowl and batting it round the kitchen floor, when that particular biscuit has been "lost" under a piece of furniture- she'll hook another out and start again. When I sweep and mop the kitchen floor, there's a complete meal under various pieces of furniture.