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3 Dogs Killed Today - Poison Alert

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chrissa1 | 18:14 Sat 11th Feb 2012 | Animals & Nature
92 Answers
The Alnmouth to Warkworth beaches in Northumberland have been laced with poison and 3 dogs have died today. The police are involved and have "locked down" the beach to dog walkers.

Stay away if you're in the area. There are some sick people out there.


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Here's the story: http://www.northumber...gs_poisoned_1_4243980
17:46 Mon 13th Feb 2012
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I totally agree. It's not the poor dog's fault. I doubt they'll ever be caught though sadly. The evil deed is probably done at night time. Swine.
paddywak - My brother emigrated to Nottingham some years back so I try and notice what is going on in his area. I am almost sure that the poisoning in Notts in the last couple of years was thought to be down to algae or something natural. They were doing tests and stuff.
The ones I looked at were report of poison. Foul people.
How awful. I haven't any animals of my own, but would never see them treated badly.
I've not heard anything for a while wolf, but that was one of the theories going around. The last I heard they were still trying to identify the toxin.
In response to the three dogs poisoned on the beach, my dog was one of
the lucky ones last Sunday (5th February) she was poisoned at Buston Links
beach. With the help of other dog walkers she was rushed to the local vet
where she remained for two days having treatment. If it was'nt for the help
of other people and the wonderful vets at Alnwick she would not have
pulled through. To the person who thinks it is a hoax I can assure them that
it is not, they can pay my vet bill !!!!!
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Wow Chinahush. I'm so sorry to hear that and do hope your dog fully recovers.

Buston Links are half way between the two villages and not that busy apart from dog walkers. I'll be keeping to country walks for a while now.

Best wishes.
What a coincidence! :)
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Sorry Ratter15?????????????????????
We had a similar event happen on a beach near us, a few dogs were poisoned, nothing more sinister than something getting washed in on the tide, it appears that this particular beach is known for holding certain types of sediment, only this time the sediment had been contaminated, well that is what was thought at the time according to the local vets. this was a few years ago.
That is beneath contempt. How is the poison laid out then? Is is loose on the ground or hidden in meat or other food?

Surely a dog would not eat poison on its' own?
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Er... not really a coincidence then.
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I'm totally guessing here but I would think hidden in some food. Having said that, my dog eats sheep poo so you never know.
Can we be sure the poisoning is intentional?

I remember quite a few dogs died and were sick after being poisoned in the park when I lived in Grimsby. It turned out they were swallowing blue-green algae from the lake when they went in the water or drank it.
Cleethorpes council also advised everyone to wear footwear on the beach due to all the chemicals that wash up there from the nearby factories (great for a holiday resort!). There were often great swathes of multicoloured foam and other patches on the beach! On one occasion I walked the dog barefoot on the beach. For the next three nights my feet were so sore and swollen that I ended up going to A&E at about 2am one night! I hadn't connected the two. The nurses just said "You've obviously been on the beach in bare feet. We've had loads of tourists here at the moment with the same thing!"
Apparently, the local factories along The Bank could only be prosecuted if they were caught redhanded dumping chemicals and other waste into the sea. All they did was save it up and then dump it at night when the inspectors (who worked 9-5) were at home in bed! That made it worse as the effluent was then concentrated.

Could this be the source of the poisoning in Yorkshire? It's a lot of effort for one or two people to poison a whole beach in the hope of killing a few dogs.
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Sorry Andyvon. This is Northumberland and our beaches are pristine. No factories anywhere near. I think there Are people who want the beaches for themselves and dislike dogs and all that they involve being allowed there.
One of the links I found for earlier incidents said that poison was hidden in chicken and left lying for dogs to find.
thanks for posting, my sister lives on the Northumberland coast and has a dog. No doubts she's aware but will ring her anyway.
Not mercia's cooking, surely.......

No, this incident is sick and we have had similar down here....with horses as well.
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My dog would smell a piece of chicken from a mile away and just wolf it down boxtops.
I think it would have been accidental poisoning by something washed up by the tide, its a little unlikely that it would be deliberate, im no expert in poisons but i think it unlikely that someone would go to such lengths and most poisons that would have such an affect are not easily come by, rat poison would not work that way and most dogs would not consume most rat poisons.
However I could be wrong.

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