Propaganda for town people.
.It's as bit of a myth that farmers shoot foxes. We have better things to do.Foxes eat rabbits, which are vermin and very destructive of crops, and so foxes are worth having (which explains why fox hunting was a 'sport'only)
Nobody shoots foxes around here; we do rabbits. As for foxhunting, getting 60 riders plus say 30 couple of hounds plus full time staff to go out maybe twice a week, and ride miles across country and then only in Winter, kiling only a few, was never "vermin control" as foxhunters later claimed. You wouldn't think much of Rentokil if they only killed your rats for a few months in Winter so as to make sure there were enough rats for next Winter!
A fox will only kill what it needs in the wild but let it in a hen coop and it is completely overwhelmed by the unnatural circumstances, man made, in which it finds itself and we all know the result. Commercial enterprises don't suffer that; your supermarket chicken has never been in danger from foxes. The answer is secure the chickens, don't blame the fox, though it is very upsetting when you don't manage that, as we all know.