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house cats ?

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anneasquith | 11:04 Fri 04th May 2012 | Animals & Nature
47 Answers
house cats, is it fair to keep cats inside at all times ?


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Yeah, that's pretty much it snaggles, apart from when she's chasing the dog growling!
Very strange looking. Just sits in the window very upright and regal looking. Brian sits the other side and they just stare at each other. I think Brian is looking for a new friend since our neighbours moved out and took his bestie with them...
Tinks rarely uses a litter tray,unless the weather is really,really bad or she's unwell & not allowed out
Aww, how sad, lol.

Really can't see Indi ever having a friend even if there's a chance I ever did let her out. She's far too terrifying and towers over your average sized moggy!
Petal - I assume you're talking about a cat and not Tinkerbell on AB?
Why can't she go out B00?
She's a pedigree Main Coon mazie, and cost an arm and a leg to buy.
Brian and next doors cat were really sweet. Tommy, next doors cat, would meow at the window. We'd let Brian out and they'd touch heads and run off to get battered by the grey
are The Grey Cats the local gang?

I think house cats are a brilliant idea.

It would save me encountering a mountain of cat sh*t in my garden from neighbours cats
Ours was an indoor cat for the first year of his life. When we got him he was an antsy and irritable little sh1t until we gave him the option to go outside which he jumped at. He's now much calmer. Whatever your viewpoint on the subject it's all about quality of life... in our cat's case he's definitely happier.
Bl**dy Hell B00.....No wonder you don't let her out. They look massive cats
yes,my cat,what Tinkerbell does in private is none of my beeswax,I not sure about litter trays myself,not very private!
Yeah, she's a brute already mazie, and only 6 months old Mazie, they've reached full maturity at 4, so I fully expect we'll have ot build an extension within the year ;-)
^^ Too many "mazie's" in above paragraph!
murphy has a litter tray with a hood

i reckon she could be mates with indi, shes a big grumpy f*cker n all
One of my friends has two cats, normal moggies, and when she lived here,
(now lives in spain) she put a harness on each one attached to a washing
pole by a length of rope, so that they could roam in the garden. I asked her why, she said so they don't climb. ????
When mini-me had two new kittens we did adopt this, so they had the freedom and to get used to their surroundings.
My older cat 18, goes in and out as she pleases, mostly in, unless I'm out
in the garden, but always in at night.
Or a cage in the garden ;o) They look beautiful though
All four of mine are house cats, they seem to prefer it that way, Molly will venture out into the back yard from time to time but seldom ever wanders more than a few feet from the back door. They have a room to themselves where they can go play if they want, two of them sleep in there at night and the other two loll about the sofas. All of them are happy, healthy cats and there is plenty of room for them to chase around the house, sometimes it might be like living in a Tom and Jerry cartoon but it sure is fun
I've had house cats - firstly we were in a flat, then on a very busy road. They showed no inclination to go outside or try to escape. In fact, when we moved to a house with a garden (when they were older) they didn't like it outside.

The ones I have now have battered down several locked catflaps if I try to keep them in...

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