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Spit The Dog

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AceofClubs | 14:00 Wed 30th May 2012 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
I always wondered how the act got away with it.Surely it wasn't the best thing to teach children to the disgusting habit of spitting.Anyone else feel the same about it?


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the world was a different place years ago, he certainly wouldnt have got away with it in these more "pc" times.
i know i never liked it
Wasn't it around at the same time as punk? Lots of spitting seemed the fashion then.
Funny at the time in an un pc way.
I think it was seen as part of the 'anarchic' approach to television at the time encapsulated by TISWAS.

I always thought Bob Carolgees was about as amusing as dysentery on a coach holiday - backed up by the time we were both guests of Granada TV at an after-shoot dinner at Alton Towers. BC spent a long time holding me personally accountable for all the intrusive tabloid stories about anyone ever in entertainment, despite the fact that I assured him I was a music and entertainment writer, and did not dabble in tabloid fodder at all.

He got steadily worse as the meal wore on, and he consumed more alcohol, and he was eventually firmly told by the Granada Press Officer who was our host, to wind his neck in! I was most grateful - as a guest I would not dream of casuing a scene, but BC's behaviour was spoilt and boorish, and probably rooted in the fact that no tabloid stories were ever about him - too boring!

I think he runs a candle shop somewhere now, if memory serves.
Who knows? He could be an A-Byer.
Does he still get on your wick Andy?
Or maybe he could wax lyrical!
I bet he is still 'Waxing ' on about spit the dog though.
andy - he runs a candle shop in Frodsham, Cheshire now.
Oh come on, it's because children knew it was wrong that gave it appeal.

It was worth watching, just in case Sally James came into view.

I saw him live once in Bournemouth and the dog was funnier than BC.
My kids loved it although one or two 'jokes' were not family oriented.
Fortunately they were too young to understand.
It was just a bit of fun for goodness kids loved Spit and roared with laughter at it....they know their manners and if they have something nasty in their mouths, they use a do I...
I saw a kids programme on CBBC recently where the juvenile presenters kept belching.

Even my daughter thought it was horrible.

What a waste of a licence fee.

At least in my day we had Philip Schofield in the broom cupboard.
I'm with commoner on this, Spit The Dog was just harmless fun, I don't really think it corrupted any children at all, unlike much of what is seen on TV and computer games these days!
ahhhh Tiswas.. Sally James my first crush..please note the Avatar....;0)

It was funny back then, times were different, life was different because the loony lefties hadn't polluted society with political correctness...
Leave Spit alone!..He was great,Tiswas was great and now I'm nestled beneath Sally James's boobs :-)
Isn't it typical that us guys can get a question about a puppet dog round to our favourite subject?
Is that a tit on your badge WBA? (Or a pair!)
Boing Boing Hoppy :-)

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