Identifying a Nest in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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Identifying a Nest

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Eve | 20:27 Wed 30th May 2012 | Animals & Nature
14 Answers
I found this earlier and wondered if anyone could tell what kind of nest it is?

It's quite small and I've not seen anything come in and out of it. I think it might have been there a while.

A wasp maybe or is it too small for that?

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Has it got a small hole in one end?
Question Author
It looks like it might be a hole to the bottom left hand corner of it on the photo. The other side looks like the back of it as smooth over.

I didn't want to get too close to find it wasn't actually empty and discover what was in it in a more painful way :)
I suggest you go and poke it with a stick ;-p

I reckon a wasp of some sort.
I also think wasp nest
Question Author
Haha, no chance :)

I'm hoping it's nothing evil given it's proximity to my open window......
Question Author
Looks like a wasp then. That was my first though but wasn't sure as it's pretty small, maybe a lonely wasp or they like it snug...or campflaged behind the pipe so easy to hide in the hood :)
I have cleared a few paper wasp nests from people's garden sheds and it has a resemblance to them but a bit exposed compared with the others.
Question Author
It is fairly exposed, especially right by a window which my two cats (and spare one) are in and out of all the time and by where a load of wheelie bins are stored.
It looks like a wasps' nest. Keep an eye on it.
Question Author
Thanks Tenrec, I will...at a distance :)
saw one like it in a loft, just one large wasp hovering about around it. also seen the same looking thing like a chinese lantern in a loft, as big as a football, a beautiful work of art, and luckily it was devoid of the wasp family. so, i would agree that it is probably a wasp of some type, not the common one.
Almost certainly a wasp nest that has fallen from something higher up as it is lying on its side.
and "almost" certainly dead!
I agree with Ratter, it looks like a wasp's nest. From how it appears to be jammed between the pipe and the wall I would say that a wasp could not have built it there as it wouldn't have had enough leg room so it must have fallen there.

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