I see a crossword clue that no-one has yet answered. I type in the answer and click 'submit'. When it comes up on the screen it's behind about another 4 or 5 answers but these posts have not appeared under 'latest posts' on the right hand side of the screen. They have all been posted within a minute of each other. Is it just that my ageing desktop is very slow or am I missing something / doing something wrong?
Before I type in an answer I usually reload the page one more time, to see if anyone has beat me to it. If they have (and they usually have),then I just duck out of there. If not, I put my answer in.
I'm afraid that sometimes our members are just too quick! It's a bit scary when you see an answer has been entered within a few seconds of the question being asked.
Regarding the latest posts box: that updates every minute and it only displays the latest post by question (not by the answers) - so after you answer within a minute of seeing the post you're likely to only see your post as the latest post (despite there being posters even quicker than you!)!