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Man Has It Off With A Sofa

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joggerjayne | 06:07 Fri 12th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
38 Answers

Was that the actual sofa?

She's not even a good looking sofa.


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So fa, so good.
07:52 Fri 12th Oct 2012
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Actually, I'm more curious about the line at the bottom of the article ... how does one have sex with a bottle bank, exactly ???
v careully JJ-v carefully
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Well, yes BJ.

but the openings on bottle banks are at eye level. I wonder if he was on a step ladder, or something?
the bottle bank, well she was trash.
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Very good, DT ... LOL x
was it a comfy sofa,
One has to put one's magnum in somewhere, so why not a bottle bank?
He He!....had an event or two ON a sofa...never WITH one though....been better with someone in the "love seat" as it puts it!
Sofa Loren.

Chair Guevara.

Peter Couch.
the sofa - well she had plenty of padding.
she was, one could say, well up-holstered.
He didn't have to Chaise her for longue
Apparently the sofa, she is Turkish, an Ottoman.....
Was he high or something ? Sounds like he needs psychological help.
or maybe from Derbyshire, Chesterfield.
Just heard he's been banned from DFS
I've had it off 'on' the sofa does that count?
Sofa, so good
He actually wanted to make love to a water bed but their love drifted apart ?
it beggars belief ????? maybe he was thru to te springs ?

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Man Has It Off With A Sofa

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