I have an aquarium which is 30"long,15" high and 12"depth. I started 12 years ago with 6 goldfish but for the past 2 years, I have had only 2 still alive.They are in good health but I am finding a big tank like this is becoming.
They are fairly big comets and I was looking for advice about whether they would mind moving to a smaller tank?
I am not intending to put them in a fish bowl but I am uncertain about the size they would be happy in. Thanks.
It doesn't sound big but it takes a heck of a lot of water to empty and fill again - I don't empty the full tank -I decant some of the water from the tank into a big bucket along with the fish - which all goes back into the replaced water.
I am not in good health was just looking for a way to make the job easier.
Tinkerpuss, you shouldn't have to catch the fish everytime you give it a clean. just remove 25% of the existing water....about 5 gallons every week or two, and replace it with fresh water out of the tap. I never use any de-chlorinators or water conditioners and my planted tropical tank looks superb.
As mentioned, you don't say any thing about filters in the tank .
You can make the (partial) water change even easier by buying a cheap small submersible waterpump, available to move the water out of the tank and refill from a water source (bath?) depending on your tank/supply situation. This will help with the lugging of heavy buckets.
Have to agree with the above and say the tank you have is too small anyway.
Do you have a filter, if not, as mentioned it would along side a gravel vac make the job a lot easier.
If not it would maybe be kinder to re-home them.